After received Master degree of Architecture from Yale University 1976, he also has done architectural traveling education by himself in all European countries in order to inspect innumerable Architecture designed by 20 century Master Architects, historical significant Architecture and towns for several months by car. He also has done later architectural traveling education in entire North America continent, including Canada and Mexico, also Japan and China.
The Architectural traveling is his master of architectural education.
Kunio Inoue has worked as senior designer at international recognized Architectural firms like Antoni Raymond in New York, and SOM (Skidmore Owings Merrill) in Houston and Los Angeles. Especially, He has designed many super high rise buildings when he has worked as senior designer of SOM design team for 7 years.
He established architectural firm, Kunio Inoue and Associates in Los Angeles in 1986. He could get super high rise building projects in Los Angeles from Japanese clients during Japanese economic bubble era. However the projects were disappeared when Japanese bubble was busted. He has practiced architectural design continuously, has designed residential, commercial, office building, hotel, many other facilities of Japanese clients in Southern California.